Phthalates, pronounced 'thal-ate' are chemiclas manufactured to most commonly soften our plastics and make them more durable, 'lovingly' known as plasticizers. Many of our personal care items like deodorant, makeup, shampoos, and soaps are laden with them.
But here's the problem.... phthalates can absorb and seep into our skin and when that happens it can disrupt our hormones- impacting our reproductive systems and health, impact brain development in children and potentially increase our risk for chronic diseases like allergies, obesity, and asthma.
Check your makeup labels for BBP (butyl benzyl phthalate) which is commonly found in your makeup and skincare and DEP (diethyl phthalate) which may be used to make your makeup smell better or mask the scent of the other junk inside.
BITTY BALM IS PHTHALATE FREE always and forever : )
XOXO, Maggie